The Ring of Wisdom

The Ring of Wisdom

What You See

What You Want

What You Need

All Nobel

Desires We Crave

From Time To Time

Bring Us Hope

A Vision To Try

Anchored In Lust

Driven By Fear

Life Can Be 

A Driver In Gear

The Road Opens

The Cars Emerge

Should We Gauge

The Next Lane Merge

Racing Through Time

Finding Some Pause

Creating A Life

For Our Head To Grow

Growth Is Vital

Yet Stymied By Much

Prune Your Leaves

Or Lose Your Gust

Open Your Window

Feel The Breeze

Take Into Consideration

The Spot Along Journey

You Should Decide

As Soon As Possible

Weigh And Find Wanting

All Lies Terrible

Crave For Truth

Find It’s Residence

The Holy Spirit

Provides The Evidence

Prophetic And Vast

A Benchmark In Time

For All To See

So Reconsider His Rhyme

God Is The Author

We Are The Poem

A Master Creation

The Art To Know Him

rKw Jr 07.02.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet Educate Yourself

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