The Right Playbook

The Right Playbook

The Upbringing Solid

The Schools At Large

So Many Choices

Pedigree The Charge

I Fall In

The Great Life Ahead

Taking It All In

Believe What Is Said

All Information 

Quoted For An Occassion

Centralized Talent

Glory of The Nation

The Best Is The Cream

Rising To The Top

The Life So Supreme

Will Not Be Stopped

The Chaos On Right

The Staggering Left

All Of A Sudden

Life Is Subject To Death

The Mind Challenged

Where Do I Recover?

I Have Nothing To Configure

All Of It Is Bluther

The Mind Gutted

Stripped Down To Core

Replaced With The Bible

God Is My Encore

Salvation Possible

Salvation Done

I Am Eternal

He Has Overcome

Eternal Glory

Eternal Life

What Good Was Education

If Missing This Right?

rKw Jr 06.09.21

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