The Repentance Mandate

The Repentance Mandate

The Repentance Mandate

What Does It Mean?

Are The Christians Sure

What’s Real As It Seems?

The Repentance Mandate

Choking All

A Hoop Displayed

No End Of Call

Clean It Up 

Your Act Now

Feel Sorry

Remorse Over All

Is That What It Means?

If We Are Wrong

We Are Placing An Obstacle

Between Faith And God

How Can Grace 

Operate And Function

When God Meets Man

A Barrier At Junction?

Believe And Be Saved

Is Now Threatened

Repent Distorted

Meaning Poured In

We Teach Another Gospel

Paul Would Be Amiss

Even If He Or An Angel

Would Change The Holy Kiss

“Emasculate Yourself”

“Be Accursed”

All False Bible Teachers

Couldn’t Do Worse

rKw Jr 06.02.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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