The Rented Soul

The Rented Soul
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We Open The Door

We Find A Gadget

It Opens More Doors

We End Up Tragic

We Think We Win

We Just Want Some Fun

We Take What’s Given

Stuff On The Run

We Make The Best

Of What We See

We Live In Jest

Entertainment Luxury

Television Movie

Netflix Binge

We Surround Ourself

With Next Of Kin

At Mercy Of Cuts

That Hit The Screen

Whatever Is Said

Is Okay Policy

flat screen television
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We Are Hypnotized

Within 20 Seconds

Out Of Body

The Soul Is Rented

We Begin To Learn

From Our Teacher

Take On Values

Normalized Deciphered

We Live A Lie

But Never Know It

Til The Day Comes

When It’s All Over

Instead Of Learning

About God And Stuff

The Greatest Teacher

We Could Dream Of

Endless Fascination

His Hand Everywhere

Condescending To Earth

To Bring Heaven Here

With The Eyes Of God

We Can See Life Better

Entertaining Angels

Engaging The Letters

Learning About God

Is The Greatest Pursuit

Full Of Love Live And Laughter

Enjoy Your New Suit

rKw Jr 21.04.21

Robert Kelly b 1965 –

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