The Red Card Gambit

The Red Card Gambit
Copyright: melnyk58

War The Borders

The Lies So Yellow

Truth Spoken

Forked Two Below

The Humanity Seen

Before So Hidden

A Camera Shoots

Cities Too Riddled

Lost The Casualties

Blood And Truth

Hope Isolated

Besmirch in Two

Slander The Aggression

The Opposition Wages

Bets It All

Obscuring The Majors

The General Orders

Can He Remember?

The Plan Not His

The Moral Pretender

Leaders Assuage

Guide And Divert

Equivalence Never

Ceasing To Revert

The Attacks Just

The Siren Call

Cease Fire Must

Too Cute Gaul

Integrity Sold

To A Lost Cause

Selling The Gullible

Victory Stalls

Cease Fire Goal

But Only One Side

Jesus Will Cure

Israel Reconciles

Harvard’s Throne

Curses Dershowitz

Bans His Speech

Equivalence Blitzed

Obama No Friend

An Object Clear

Palestine Free

The World Feared

Israel A Hurdle

The Object Clear

All Must Submit

The World Hears