The Puzzle Resolved

The Puzzle Resolved

God Works

Mysterious Ways

The Body Is A Mystery

The Life Is His Say

We Are His

He Is Ours

What Misery Endured

Glory Is Assured

Seeing God’s Hand

In Our Struggle

Is Key To Life

The Best Of Puzzles

Enjoying Life

Doesn’t Play Well

If Satan Is Guide

The Road Is Hell

But Redemption 

How Joyous

Today Possess

Love And God For Us

The Fall Left Us Hurt

Sick And Vulnerable

We Are On Hook

Yet God Is Way Out

Just A Moment Of Faith

Born Again They Say

The Spiritual Life

The Only Must Today

All Things Shrink

All Compulsion Gone

Are You Born Again ?

You Will Live Beyond

Ten Commandments Filled

All Obligations Made

Your Reservation Certain

The Spirit Seals Your Grade

rKw Jr 25.07.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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