The Prince of Dead Air

The Prince of Dead Air
Photo by Photography Maghradze

Dead Air

The Devil’s Enemy

Live Forever

Watch Anything

Don’t Listen

Don’t Hear

Don’t Stop 

Sudden Fear

The Silence Deafens

It Is A Friend

Darkness Always

Has An End

End It Now!

Don’t Let It Linger

See Yourself

As A Sinner

Don’t Be Shocked

Some Day And Find

Something You Do

That Is Unkind

Don’t Deceive

Yourself Be True

Recognize Sin

In Yourself Too

Denial Is Evil

A Way To Ride On By

Never Reconciled

To God, What Pride!

The Biggest Lies Told

Are Those To Ourselves

Numbing Our Thoughts

Truths Get Shelved

Keep Them Busy

Don’t Let Them Think

Never Encourage Minds

To Explore Different Things

Never Found

Dead Air Time

Lies Upon Lies

Deny The Life Line

Deadness of Air

A Chance To Run

A Mistake By Satan

Eternal Life His Son

God Is Here

He Knows Who We Are 

He Went To The Cross

Blood, Heart And Guts

Hear His Calling

You Know He Is Near

Listen For A Moment

To The Prince of Dead Air

He Is Alive

So Is His Word

Eternal Life Now

Listen, Read, Learn

Dead Air Is Needed

A Space To Think

Refuge From Chaos

Find Him – Eye Blink

Resurrection Power

It’s What We Need

Crossing Over From Death

The Moment We Believe

rKw Jr 22.06.21

Robert Kelly b. 1965

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