The Pressing Need

The Pressing Need

The Redemption Cometh

The Time Sudden

The Event Cataclysmic

The World Muddled

Savior Needed

Now And Present

False Or Not

A Need Has Risen

To The Fore

The Man Emerges

Full Of Boasts

And Power Bursting

Escaping Wounds

And From The Grave

Claiming Forever, He

The One To Obey

Pledge Allegiance

Show Your Number

Love The Beast

Forget All Others

The Days Are Evil

All Have Swayed

Failing To Love Truth

A Delusion Made

Redeem The Day

Today Is The Day

To Avoid All Future

Hell To Pay

Find God Now

He Is Still Near

Unless You Discover

Satan Has An Ear

Listening To Lies

Will Be Your Ruin

The Redemption Plan

Truth Is His Doing

rKw Jr 08.07.22

Robert Kelly

Born 1965 A Christian Poet

born again 8-6-1993

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