Friday’s Poem: The Prelude To The Affair

This Poem – Inspiration Title came to me first…Then I just started writing – play on words with affair…multilevel metaphor in play…does anyone else use this device ? Am I the only one ? Did I invent it ? Send me an email ! Well Affair is play on love affair, and also the biggest affair in world history: the Second Coming of Jesus …

The Time Is Here 

We Spent It Fast

Our Days Are Full 

We Hope Love Lasts

The Love Is Present

He Is Now Tarrying

When Will He Return

Don’t Know – Not Worrying

Worry Is A Sin

So Do Not Fret

What Could We Add

To This Life But Regrets

His Plan, His Purpose

Thy Will Be Done

We Live In His Time

The Affair’s Just Begun

This Is The Church Age 

Everyone Has A Reprieve

All Have A Chance

To Live Forever For Free

Come To Him Now

See What Is Found

What The Lost Have Discovered

Amazing Grace The Sound

The Affair To Proceed

It Will With A Trump

The Lord Will Come Back

With A Loud Shout

We Will Meet Him In Thin Air 

Changed In An Instant

Mortal into Immortal

So Don’t Be Hesitant

He Beckons – Calls 

The Affair Commences

A Real Graduation 

To Heaven – No Fences

In Him We Will Abide

Streets Of Gold Aplenty

Bodies Thereby Glorified

Our Heaven Almost Ready

rKw Jr 26.03.21

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