The Permanent Dent

The Permanent Dent

A Dent In Time

To Make A Difference

To Find Meaning

As Life Withers

A Reservior 

Your Mind Experiences

The Day’s Capture

Great Periods

Discovering Answers

Finding Solutions

Solving Problems

Caring Collusions

Friends, Employers

Careers, Associates

The Money Earned

The Culture Grows

It’s All About

The Salary Train

The Only Truth

With Gravy Stains

Sold Out

The Mind Lusts

The Soul Corrupt

The Enemy Yourself

Never To Catch

A Golden Ride

The Holy Spirit

His Truth Drives

Align Yourself

With The Only Cause

Redemption, Salvation

For All A Pause

Side Step Distractions

Avoid The Pitfalls

Confusing Annoyances

The Hammer Calls

The Payment Due

For Ingoring God

Soul Sold Slew

By Satan’s Mirage

Truth Available 

All To Come See

The Bible Pre-Slandered

No Moral Victory

Freedom And Joy

Found Within

Yet We Are Taught

All Darkened

Speaking Forth

To All Our Plights

The Future Planned

Our Lives Bright

Rescued And Saved

A Moment of Faith

Our Live Remains

Are Going With Him


Remaining Act

When Weak

God So Fast

The Angels Come

They Take Us Up

A Flight of Mercy

Heaven Next Stop

To Make A Dent

The Eternal Charge

To Agree With God

The Spirit’s Card

rKw Jr 21.10.21

Headshot 2014
Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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