The People Rescue League

The People Rescue League
Photo by Vital1na

Animal Behavior

The World Display

Many In Streets

Causing Disarray

Life Hits Points

How Did We Arrive?

Chaos Coming

Just A Matter Of Time

The World Fever

It Has A Cure

It Does Seem Hopeless

How Can We Endure?

A Message From God

Simply Said “It Is Finished”

He Sacrifice Himself

To Bring Us To Replenish

Heaven The Home

We Will Arrive Fast

In A Split Second

Trumpet – Twinkle Flash

Rescued From Earth

The Devil’s Domain

He Fell Here

To Destroy Everything

His Time Is Short

The Bag of Tricks

Crafty To Deceive

His Fury No Quit

Tosses Out Truth

Stuffed With Lie

Just To Deceive

Everyone Walking By

Since All or Most

Have Been Trained Well

Never To Read The Bible

Just Trust Their Own Spell

What A Misfortune

To Never Know

About The Plan of Redemption

Love Revealed in Flow

The Pages Are Written

For Man To See

All Of His Humanity

The Rescue by He

rKw Jr 28.05.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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