The Paved Road

The Paved Road


The Distractions Many

The World Chaos

The Messages Many

How To Discern?

How To Develop?

How To Overcome?

The Wordly Habit

Taught To Us

By Omission

There Is No God

Think Without Permission

Educate The Dream

Learn The Vision

Acknowledge The Truth

Delirious Derision

Don’t Cross The Line

Do Not Contemplate

Fail the Grade

The Intellectual State

The Selfish Rejoiner

The Selfish Mistakes

Show Us Our Sin

Small And So Great

We Exist To Live

For Our Own Interest

Governed By Agencies

Competing For And Against

Concentrate On The Meaning

See What Is True

See Who Is Lying

A Slice of Fact For You

The Truth Obscured

The Truth Suppressed

Yet Used Only

To Fade Lying Guests

They Come As A Solution

The Urgency Grand

The Lies Cover So Well

No Truth Ever Manned

Sounding So Good

Sounding So Helpful

Desiring And Pleasant

An Apple To Swallow

The Damage The Done

The Life Dismissed

Out Of Eden

And Into The Abyss

rKw Jr 18.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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