The Orange Tree

The Orange Tree
Copyright: mistervlad

The El Above

Orange A Stem

Life Cancerous 

To The End

A Stop In The Forest

Hockey And Arbs

Warren’s Resting Place

Bunker Hill Yonder

Orange Connecting

The Line Straight Through

Bill Moore’s Vision

Didn’t Stay True

Stolen Idea

Crushed By A Voice

Community Outrage

The College Noise

Dover Station

A Couple Did Meet

Irish Kellys

Descendents Greet

Northampton Street

City Hospital Dismissed

A Mother Of 8

Peggy Yet To Exist

Egleston Junction

A Bowling Alley

Mother And Father

United For The Rally

Green To Glen

Fuller The School

Wonder Years

God Came Through

Ukrainian Church 

Patrolled By Dobermans

An Angel Snatched

I Did Find The Wilderness

Dudley A Trolley 

Ventured Away

To Castle Island

Grandma Sashayed

Downtown Washington

Crossing Forever

Post Office Channel

Weylus For The Clever

State Street Splits

North And South

The Crown Too

The Liberty Shouts

Boston Massacre

The Pressure Mounted

Soldiers Deployed

Custom House Haunted

Haymarket Fireworks 

Dad To Saugus

The Big Plant

He Worked Thus

Sullivan Square

Katie’s Shop

Never A Chance

Why Did We Stop?

Charlie Returns

The Irish Top Man

Music Ruling

The Session In Hand

A Descendant of Ireland

William Knox D’arcy

Founder Of Oil Age

To Say Otherwise Is Larceny

rKw Jr 04.01.23

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