The Only Real Christian

The Only Real Christian
Photo by S Migaj

The Worst Message Sent

To Lying Dying World

Be Perfect Now

Or Forget It – Boiled

We Can Never Be

Perfect Enough

Or Cry A Sob

To Enter God’s Love

The Entrance Is Faith

Message Heard

God Died For Me

Today Absolved!

We Are Fallen

The Fall Hit Hard

On The Hook

Life – Death Card

A Vulnerable Place

We Hang In The Balance

Our Life At Stake

No Way To Chance It

We Need A Sure Way

Cannot Finagle

Cannot Manipulate

What’s On The Table

Our Doom For Hell

The Soul Is Lost

Flesh Eating Life

Carnality The Cost

May Christians Be Carnal?

Apostle Paul Said So

Example The Corinthians

Sinners – Heaven – Go

They Are Not Perfect

But They Stand By Faith

They Show Us All

How Wide Is God’s Grace

For Grace We Are Saved

By Agency Of Faith

Your Status Clear

Christian – No Debate

Yet Carnal Christians

Should Realize

That Life Is Better

As The Spirit Guides

So Stop All Talk

All Finger Pointing

No One Is Perfect

But For The Annointing

The Born Again Life

Spiritual Birth

We Cross Over Today

A Wide Girth

For We Are Still Sinners

So Stop The Condemning

Stop The Examining

Of Fruit Never Ending

The Christian Like Moses

May Take Years To Grow

Today We May Not See

What God Has In Store

So Take A Step Back

Stop Skewering Your Brother

Suspicious Minds Halt

And Love One Another

Yet Many In Life

Do Not Have Faith

They Are Leaning On

Something Not Great

Is It Their Reputation?

Or Trust in Religion

If It Not Be Jesus

Believe or Good Riddance!

For Jesus Paid A Cost

He Did It For You

To Ignore Him Now

Is To Say You Are Good

Goodness Not Enough!

You Need Perfection

Christ Offers A Stand In

Your Great Election!

rKw Jr 03.06.21

Robert Kelly American Christian Poet b 1965

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