The Naked Bunch

The Naked Bunch
Photo by moein moradi

Clothed Covered

Forgiven Free

The Life Lived

The Way To Be

Sins Covered

Refuge – Shelter

God Almighty

Friend – Brother

Savior – Lover

Of Our Soul

He Stepped In

No One Showed

Send Me

Here I Am

The Seals Opened

A God Slam

Entering Earth

In Body

Readied Along

Battle Custody

He Didn’t Fight

He Was Silent

He Paid Price

Without Violence

Message Simple 

Believe It Or Not

Heaven Hell

The Spoken Spots

Naked Belief

All That’s Needed

Born Again 

The Spirit Heeded

Naked Bunch

Without Faith

Standing Alone

Place Not Great

For Who Could Neglect

A Salvation Like This

Free But Costly

Easy As A Kiss

So Get Clothed

In His Robes

The Righteousness of Faith

The Object Glows

Jesus Is Our Scapegoat

He Is Our Covering

Never Naked

The Wrath Is Coming

rKw Jr 06.06.21

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