The Mudsliding Few

The Mudsliding Few

The Flatfooted Christian

Pussyfooting Around

Neutralized and Milquetoast

Lost The Old Ground

Salt So To Speak

Gone With The Wind

Inheriting Nothing

May God Avenge

Bought Off By Greed

Taxes Excused And Foregone

Silence It Seems

A New Old Wound

No Talking 

No Preaching

Social Issues Off

Election Scheming

Silence The Christians

Now It Is True

Generations Bought

Fear Not What They Do

Chaos And Evil

Reign Supreme

Reducing All

Voiceless Stream

Good Is Bad

Bad Is Good

Lies Grow Stronger

Coercing Then Collude

Deceiving People

Accepting Concessions

Twisting Minds

Statistical Confession

rKw Jr 19.12.21

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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