The Missing Blink

The Missing Blink
Photo by Abdullah Ghatasheh on

Attention! Attention!

The World Must Slow

Come For A Stop 

Hear The Good Show

photo of grass field
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on

A Show Of God

Told From The Ages

Heaven And Earth

On Display With Sages

Smart Men So Wise

Smart Men So Foolish

Some Are Heaven Bound

Others Will Loose It

We Are All In

The Valley Of Decision

All Moments Arriving

With Your Intuition

You Can Determine 

By Your Instinct

See Life Waning?

Wink Wink Don’t Blink!

scenic view of mountain during daytime
Photo by Johannes Rapprich on

No We Cannot See

We Are Blinded So

We Need Intervention

A Spiritual Go-Go

A Supernatural Event

The Word Does Its Work

Bringing Life To Death

The Eternal New Perk

Day One Of Eternity

It Starts After This

The Millennial Reign

The Lord Christ Jesus

But Sealed We Are 

The Moment We Believe

With Ownership Of

God – The Holy Spirit 

We Cross Over

From Death To Life

So Being Born Again

Now – Today – Tonight

A Spiritual Birth

The Only Must Left

Jesus Fulfilled The Law –

The Ten Commandments

person reading book
Photo by Kelly Lacy on

This Birth Means Spirit

This Birth Means Life

This Birth Means Heaven

Guaranteed Tonight!

We Are Dull – Devoid

Of Spiritual Being

Lacking Such Nature

Weakens Our Redeeming

For We Cannot Survive

Gain Heaven’s Entrance

Without A Spiritual Birth

And Jesus As Our Defense

knight armor
Photo by Maria Pop on

For We Have An Accuser

He Claims We Are Evil

Yet Though We Are Fallen

Jesus – Seals The Deal

Peace With God

Now Justified

Declared Innocent

God’s Court And Trial

For The Blood Of Jesus

Satisfies The Wrath

God Must Punish Sin

We Know All That

But We Forget

Or Take For Granted

For Belief Is A Gift

God Has Planted

He Is The Author 

The Giver Of Our Faith

He Is The Perfector

Heaven Cannot Wait

His Word Goes Forth

It Doesn’t Return Void

Does What He Pleases

Saves The Unemployed

The Poor – Always Here

But The Rich Man – Late

Will He Make It Through

God’s Heaven – God’s Gate?

Rich Or Poor

We All Need Faith

Saved By Grace

This Faith Is Great

person pouring water photography
Photo by Creative Vix on

Small As A Mustard Seed

The Faith Can Save

A Short Prayer Whispered

Is Effective Today

“Ok Jesus” – All I Said

One Day By Wolly –

Never Knew Too Much

But Saw My Own Folly

It Was Clear

Jesus Still Was Around

Standing Tall And Present

Above All Chaotic Sounds

Today If You Sense

You Are Missing Something

The Spirit Of God

Neglected Yet Wanting

He Will Come In

When Time At Last

You Are Saved

Just Like That!

r K w Jr 19.04.21

We Are Like Sand In Glass - Bamm We Hit 50 !  We Need To See Our Need Rethink What Is Going On Believe in Jesus Today Live Forever Guaranteed !
Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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