The Mirage Of Progressive Idealism

The Mirage Of Progressive Idealism

Progressivism Appeals

Sound So Great

Fooling The Mind

Yet Stealing Fate

Progressive Idealism

Lures The Masses

Payoffs Grand

Affirmative Flashes

Idealism Conniving

Intoxicating Sale

Applied Anywhere

Stealing Power Shared

Global Warming

Critical Race Theory

Idealistic Ploys

Schemes Fail Yearly

Freeing Themselves

Rubbing Ideas Raw

Pitting Groups Fighting

Ploys of Marxist Claws

Communism Distorts

The Fall Of Man

To Be Resolved 

By Governments Hand

Yet God Only

The Savior And Pearl

Our Destiny Here

Finding Eternity Heard

Heard In A Message

The Gospel Believe

A Spiritual Redemption

A Deposit Guaranteed

Life On Earth

We All Aspire

To Live And Reach

Goals Inspired

Time Comes

Gives Us Ideas

Our Mind Plans

Yet No Deal

Facing The Curse

We Fail To See

It’s A Problem

For All To Be

The Hour Glass Of Time

Each Day Passes

The Sunset Of Life

The Years Faster

Round We Go

We Emerge As Self

Enjoying The Life

The Delicacies of Stuff

Some Achieve Greatness

Some Remain Small

Some Take Comfort

In Anything But God

A Style Of Mind

A Pattern Of Toxins

Abusing The Life

Enduring With Moxie

Escaping The Time

Finding Alternatives

Neglecting The Soul

The Heart’s Burning

The Bible Dismissed

By The Powers Of The Age

Never To Peak

Inside To Pray

Never Seeing Faith

How Simple A Gift

Heaven’s Door Ready

The Soul’s Eternal Lift

Progressing Eternal

A Moment Of Faith

Life Enduring

No Idealistic State

Truth Marches

The World May Note

God The Way

His Son No Yoke

He Makes It Easy

Anyone Can Find

Heaven Today

Shockingly Kind

rKw Jr 12.02.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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