The Man’s Hand

The Man’s Hand

Amazing To Fathom

We Are All Different

All In Various Places

In The Walk Reverent

We Are Also Located

Around The Globe

In Varying Towns

On Various Roads

Differing Occupations

Inside Or Outside

Working With Hands

Hearts, Steely Minds

Variety Of Races

All From One Woman

Variety Of Flesh

All Of A Program

The Plan Of God

To Show His Glory

To Display It Is He

Who Wrote This Story

Heaven Is Free

Life And Air, Free

Love And Souls, Free

All For You And Me

He Is Sovereign By Default

Works Simultaneously

In All His Calling

Presto! Instantaneously!

Despite The Chaos

The Son Was Crucified

Right On Time

Prophetically Surmised

Daniel 9

Foretold The Date

God Gave His Life

So We Can Relate

His Care For Us

Is Predicted In Time

Alexander The Great

Provided The Shine

The Septuagint Translation

300 Years Before

Shows Daniel Existed

And Prophecies Aren’t Forged

Yet The Message Fumbled

We Add And Distort

But The Meaning Remains

Believe The Good Report!

The Resurrection

Death Defeated

God Rose For You

Belief Only Needed

rKw Jr 30.01.22

Robert Kelly

A Christian Poet

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