The Main Drag

The Main Drag
Photo by Jonathan Borba

Dragged, Tossed and Lost

The Life Has The Lesson

We Turn To Face 

Or Run To Depression

Anger – Found

Respect – Dropped

Addictions – Added

Visions – Popped

We Enter In

We See It’s Doable

The Water Warm

The Love Oozable

Marriage Encounters

Must Be Rare

To Find One

With Love Everywhere

Selfishness Of Two

But To Succeed

The Two Must Help

Another To Dream

The Dream Must Not

Neglect The Fact

That Marriage Takes Two

Becomes One Fast

The Goals Conflict

The Brewing Drama

Things Come Agrip

Home We Go To Mama

The Doldrums Inevitable

Without Sacrificial One’s

Competing Against Another

What Marriage Ever Won ?

Why Not Take Time ?

Find God And Live

For Him Eternally

The Bride Is Hid

The Church Is A Mystery

Long Thought Sublime

But The Age Is Here

Right On Time

The Die Is Cast

The Institutional Indoctrination

Leaves No Room For God

The Bible Desecration

Reinforced By Media

The Radio TV Filter

Anything Positive

About God’s Shelter

In His House

He Shelters All Well

Feeding On Him

We Learn To Dwell

Education of Freedom

Of Our Fallen State

A Redemption Paid

Life Meaning Awaits

Have Abundant Life

God Is The Joy

The Strength Given

Will Overcome The Noise

Start Today

With God As Your Friend

Abide In His Vine

Marriages Can Win

rKw Jr 01.06.21

Robert Kelly American Poet b 1965 Boston

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