The Love Continuum

The Love Continuum

Figuring It Out

Understanding God

Starts with Only

Believing That’s All

One Step

A Shortie

Yet God

The Sortie

His Word

Goes On 

Into The World

In Love

Love Is God

God is Love

We Search Forever

Lost In Fun

Yet Turn At Once

See His Handiwork

Remember His Life

All His Wonderment




Let’s Rest In Him

Angels Amidst

Assigned A Duty

To Keep A Charge

Over Our Body

The Mind Attacked

We Must Digest

The Good Food

Above The Quake

Earth Hemmoraging

Despondent Days

Find Yourself

Through The Haze

In Christ We Conquer

Victorious And Free

Liberty Virtuous 

Sam Adams Plea

rKw Jr .26.02.22

Robert Kelly

b. 1965

A Christian Poet

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