The Life Well Spent

The Life Well Spent

The Only Way

To Make It Count

To Live A Life

Worth The Amount

The Opportunity Lingers

The Time Exists

To Make A Difference

History Persists

The Soul Value

Worth More Than The Earth

So Why Not Save

The Same From Dirt?

The Grave Awaits

It Beckons And Wagers

Heaven Or Hell?

Satan Angers

His Time Is Short

He Needs To Deal

Take Everyone With Him

For Hell Is Real

The “god” Of This Age

He Keeps People Busy

Thinking They Are Safe

The Boulevard Dizzy

Make Them Pay

The Baby Will See

Down On The Ground

Agony Or Ecstacy

The Pain Threshold

Can’t Take Anymore

Run To Jesus

What Life Counts For

All Things Work

For The Good Of Him

And Those Who Believe

Our Time Well Spent

Each Moment Eternal

Everything Counts

Even Day Lackluster

Registers No Doubt

rKw Jr 012.11.22

Robert Kelly

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