The Leading Role

The Leading Role

A Man Leading

Trying To Row

The Best Vector

For Family In Tow

Cultural Divide

The Man Has Lost

His Acknowledged Role

America Is Dust

Conflicting Goals

Unsure Duties

Leads The Family

Around In Circles

The Head Christ

The Family A Man

The Woman Treated

As God Had Planned

All Pulling Together

The Family Unit

Societies Fountain

Building The Planet

Growing Stronger

Understanding Purpose

Achieving Harmony

Blessing Him First

The Lord Of Lords

We Must Yield

Discover His Word

Hidden And Concealed

The Culture Demonic

The Devil Sways

The Whole World

Lost In Space Today

Few Find It

Few Saved

Salvation Entered

Moments Braved

The Devil Loses

The Gospel Conquers

Each Soul Springs

A Cellmate Wanders

Free At Last

Liberty Abundant

Entering Romance

Is Love Redundant?

Courageous And Strong

Brave And In Awe

See God Among

Family, World, Stars

More Than A Conqueror

The Man Becomes

Leading His Family

Redeemed In Love

rKw Jr 021.11.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

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