The Joy Check

The Joy Check

A Routine

We Need

To Shape 

Our Scene


The Vortex


A Complex

The Scope

The Portal

The Lense

All Virtual

We Ready

The Mind

To Cope

With Time


The Element

The Frame

So Elegant

The Crutch

So Needed

Time Covered

Pain Receded

Peeled Away

The Comforts

The Life

So Humdrum

Faces Gone

Familiar Lost

The Day Long

The Highest Cost

We Build Lives

We Create Paths

But Without God

We Are Last

Walk By Faith

Walk With God

The Light His

The Staff Long

A Good Shepherd

The Good God

Here For Us

Dying Forlorn

Not Leaving Us

Giving Us Hope

A Comforter Now

The Spirit’s Rope

rKw Jr 14.12.21

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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