Friday’s Poem Today: The Jailbreak

unemotional man in dark room in sunbeam
Photo by Sinitta Leunen on

The Key To Life

We Venture To Gain

A Competitive Edge

To Win Out – Again !

Life Is All About 

Living the Good Life

Finding Truth Out 

Wrong Versus Right

But We Notice Evil

It’s Even Nearby

It Seems Everywhere

Consumes Even I

Enlightened, Yes I Am

I’d Never Consider

What The Bible Says

I Don’t Want To Shiver

It’s A Condemning Photo

With No Hope At All

For Keep On Sinning

It’s How I Am, Y’all

But Even Sin Cannot Please

I Won’t Bother to Detail

We Need Another Remedy

Somehow Break This Jail

The Word Never Preached

Never Heard Of Or Spoken

We Surround Ourselves With

Many Idols Of Tokens

Movies – Sports – Hobbies

We Turn And Enter

We Never Come Out

Til’ Sleep Time Is Tender

It’s Like A Man Overweight

Who Eats Sugar Mostly

All Through The Day Digesting

He Craves More – Yet Ghostly

As He Gets Fat

His Body Deteriorates

Sugar Damages Him

Blinded – He Investigates

So It Is With Data

We Hear False, Fake – Bad

It’s Stuffed To Us Daily

We Go On To Be Had

Surrounding Our Minds

With Information Aplenty

Never Hearing Truth

Or Wondering Plainly

The Gospel Is Slandered

The Filter Is Corrupt

So When You Hear Of It

It’s Slanted Toward Gruff

The Message Is A Half-Truth

Lies – You May Be Hearing

Never Freeing At All

Even From Pastor’s Sharing

For The Gospel Is A Jailbreak

It’s A Freedom Power Pack

It Declares You Righteous

Even With Sin On Your Back

For It Only Takes Belief

In What Jesus Has Done

Then You Are Redeemed

Forever And Ever Sons

So Even In Our Sin

Even If We Partake

Even If Today

We Take A Sin Break

We Are Under Grace

Our Nature Still Fallen

Sin Can Overwhelm Us

Unless You Are Pardoned

For Under Grace – Clean

Covered By The Blood

We Never Have To Worry

If We Are Good Enough

So Praise The Lord Now

There Is Surely Hope

God Provided What We Need

Faith Is An Easy Yoke

Even In Our Rags

In Victory – We Stand Up 

Even If We Miss Church

We Are Good Enough

For Jesus Did The Work

He Suffered – Then Paid

The Price For You And Me

To Walk Around Unafraid

It’s His Goodness For Us

We Now See At Last

Not Blinded As Before

Jesus Completed The Task

We Are Grateful And Happy

Joyful And Gay

I Have My Savior

Freed From Hell – by J !

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