The Instant Cure

The Instant Cure
Copyright: samarttiw

Purity Supreme

The Absurd Condition

Living Today

Rarified Rendition

A Moment Comes

A Twinkle The Instant

Changed Forever

Clouds The Distance

Expecting God

Could Arrive In A Flash

Any Moment Imminent

We Purify Our Masks

We Stop Hiding

Recognizing God’s Hand

Sovereign Over All

We Live For The God-Man

By Denying The Rapture

Satan Tricks Us Now

Keeps Us Away

From Gods Pure Vow

The Mockers Congregate

The Christians Amidst

Build Up To A Swell

The Vanishing Mist

Even Christians Partake

Denegrating The Snatch

Harpazo For The Church

He Will Soon Dispatch

rKw Jr 9.18.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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