The Hyperspace Button

The Hyperspace Button

Under the Influence

We Are Spellbound

God Or Man?

The Question Resounds

Man Will Hide

To Keep His Edge

The Bible Light

A Darkened Pledge

A Picture Drawn

Of Idealistic Plans

All Is Well

Just Give Us A Hand

We Can Use 

What We Know

To Usher In 

Utopia – So It Goes

Yet A Ruse Afoot

It Needs To Be Exposed

Forgotten Today

Is Man’s Original Fall

The Fruit Displayed

As People Do Chant

“Love, Peace, Unity”

Behind the Door Recant

The Powers At Be

Who Seduce With Ideas

Know The Trick

Is To Be Sincere

They Cannot Control

Everything As Planned

They Are Fighting Against

God And His Command

The Redemption Revealed

Hidden So Well

The Best Seller Deals

A Road Heaven or Hell

The Truth Obscured

But Will Be Known

To His Friends And Sheep

The Revolution Overthrown

rKw Jr 29.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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