The Humble Lie

The Humble Lie

Today’s World

As One Discovers

Postmodern Thinking

Begets All Others

The Certainty Of The Past

The Bible Truths

The Resurrection 

Can’t Be Proved

A Badge Of Honor

Covers One’s Name

If One Admits

Nothing Is Great

If One Admits

One Knows Little

Humility Valued

Certainties Riddled

Nothing From Nothing

We Can’t Be Sure

This Is The Wisdom

This Age Endures

Rejecting The Bible

So Long Ago

Four Generations

Are So Told

No Convictions

They Are Defeated

If Held Dearly

People Are Scary

Upside Down

The Good Is Bad

Bad Is Good

The Devil Glad

The Bible Stills

The Bible Comforts

The Bible Speaks

With A Trumpet

Educating Souls

Giving Them Life

Rejected By The World

Suppressed By Night

The Glory Of God

Stands Over Time

The Devil Here

A Few More Crimes

He Is Doomed

But Remember

He Wants You

To Follow Asunder

Subtle Deceptions

Appearing So Good

Enticing With Lies

A New Neighborhood

Reject Him Now

See God’s Arms

See The Nails 

Escape The Harm

Cross Over Today

Examine All Views

Investigate The Bible

Good News Overdue

With No Convictions

A Man Will Be Honored

The World Loves Today

Uncertainty Hungers

It Stumbles And Falls

It Turns And Hates

Tolerance It’s Chip

But Intolerance Awaits

Despises The One

Who Is The Truth

Despises Doctrine

To Redeem Us Few

We Are Fallen

That Is The Fact

Not Really Our Fault

But Adam’s Slack

We Are On The Hook

At God’s Mercy

In A Quandary

For Our Misery

The Land Is Cursed

Our Rents Are High

We Work All Day

And Night We Cry

The Ships At Docks

The Powers At Be

Are Trying To Destroy

America 1,2,3

The Best Laid Plans

Of Mice And Men

Both Go Awry

Robert Burns Said

The Devil’s Friends

Demon Possessed

Heading For The Abyss

Full Tilt Abreast

Avoid The Liar

Who Deceives So Easy

With A Bribe

A Paycheck From Sammy

Hatred Builds

The Money Wanes

The Government Knows

It’s Buying Time Frames

Pacify For Now

Build The Trap

Encite, Fear, Instigate

Rub It Raw Fast

The Communist Agenda

Only A Charade

It’s Really Satan Vs God

The Rapture Saves The Day

The Antichrist Will Emerge

He Will Be Shown

Need Driven Fact

The Devil’s Foolish Crown

Avoid The Hustle

The Rapture Important

Understanding Now

Stop Being Uncertain

If Facts Are Clear

Don’t Let World Shape

The Truth Stands

All Else Will Quake

Twisting World

Pays Homage 

Humilty As Uncertainty

Certain of Nothing

Uncertainty Valued

A Badge As Humility

Convictions Destroyed

All Seen As Vanity

Know For Sure

Intolerant Idea

The Satanic Prism

Converges And Steers

Drives You Away

Keeps You Hopeless

Opens Your Mind

To Worship All Regardless

Your Worship Is Special

Save It For The Deserving

He Rose And Died

Historically Proving

He Is God

In Time And Space

Objectively Sound

All Praise His Grace

Graciously He Gives

Graciously He Saves

Taking Our Sin

Right To The Grave

Then He Rises

Sin All Gone

We Live By Faith

Good News Come

No Fairy Tale

Alexander The Great Proved

All Prophecies 

Anyone Can Test Through

An Objective Benchmark 

Historically Shown

The Greek Septuagint

Where Jesus Is Born

Believe Today

Rise Above The Chatter

Grab The Next Rung

The Golden Ring Shatters

Received By Faith

A Spiritual Awakening

Overcoming The World

Postmodern’s Mistake

rKw Jr 17.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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