The Home Runner

The Home Runner
Photo by Özgür ÜNAL

Homeward Bound

Everyday We Slide

No Matter What

Home Is The Rhyme

Whether We Love It

Or Just A Soft Spot

The Home Always

Our Friend Begot

Heaven A Place

Home Destiny

We Find The Rainbow

It’s Ending Journey

On The Hook

The Fall Left Us

Cannot Blame God

Free Will Onus

Out Of Eden

The Spell of Dust

Homes Sprawled 

Vapors in Crust

A Shadow of Hope

Dawned Before Dawn

The Age Commenced

All Said Was Run

The Word Spoken

Light And Truth

Piercing Darkness

Hearts Home View

Shadow Of Events

The Days Recall

Our Best Spent

The Homeward Call

Protect and Provide

At All Costs

Steal and Lie

Means Justify Cause

Home A Shadow

Heaven’s Door

Yet We Remain

Shadowing Chores

Heaven Is Free!

Come And Drink

Believe and Live

Home The Last Link

No Chores To Earn

No Works To Con

No Way To Enter

Alone as One

You Need A Proxy

A Stand In For Sin

One Who is Worthy

To Pay And Grin!

rKw Jr 16.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b. 1965

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