The Helm of Hope

The Helm of Hope

We Need to Scale 

Forward And Backward

Backward And Forward

Present To Future

Strip Down Our Affiliations

Our Styles and Schools

Our Trades And Bands

Our Teams as Fools

All Memberships Lost

All Meaningless Chips

No Eternal Life

No Eternal Significance

We Identify Quickly

With Groups So Fast

Reinforced By Culture

It Becomes All Sass

Your Mind Sails

Each Year Round

Adjusting To The Newness

But Winning Not Found

Hope To Be Someone

Hope To Be Appreciated

Hope To Be Loved

Identity – The Hope Gig

Yet All Are Covers

All Fall To The Side

All Become Worthless

When Heaven Is Alive

If That Is The Question

Heaven And  My Future

What Good Are Affiliations

To My Eternal Torture?

Help – I Need A Way!

Is There One?

Jesus You Say

He Stood For Love

All Seem Insignificant

All My Doings

All My Mindless Addictions

All Hopeless Hoop Rings

Hope We Have

True To Share

Always Be Ready

To Show Defense There

It Should Be

The Anchor of Joy

The Helm of Life

The Breaker Of Toys

The Hope Born

Shown To World 

Beckons The Question

Why So Absurd?

God Is Real

He Is Mine

I Am Alive

Now I’m Finally Fine

Hope Begets

A Preacher, A Minister

A Reconciler

An Ambassador

The Identity 

Now Transformed

Eternally Trained

The World Deformed

No Fear – The Word

A Verse Or Story Line

The Spirit Of Power 

Love and Sound Mind

rKw Jr 31.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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