The Hell In Church

The Hell In Church
Copyright: outchill

The Preacher Pastor

Funnelled Along

Speaking Accordingly

Who Hears The Song?

Unfortunate The Fortune

The Lost Chance Gone

Yet God Overcomes

The Word Wrongly Spun

Today The Need

Judgement Near

Yet Changed To Say

Repent You Fear

Believe! So Accurate

Trumping The Notion

But Repenting Today

Brews A Potion

Changing The Gospel

Pledge The Work

Grace Now Lost

Called But Reversed

Belief and Believing

Born Again Experience

All Now Vacated

Heels Dug To Interference

As In Days of Noah

The Judgement Coming

Believe And Be Saved

The Gospel Astounding

Freed Indeed

All Secured

Lost Redeemed

The Sinecure

rKw Jr 19.02.23

Robert Kelly Born 1965 A Christian Poet born again 8-6-1993

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