The Guilty Gift

The Guilty Gift
Photo by Pixabay

Social Mistakes

They Do Happen

Like It Or Not

A Misunderstanding

Out Of Control

Damage Done

Life Distorted 

Just Not Fun

Social Gambit

Or Faux Pas

The Immediate Reaction

Some Open Jaws

Take The Pill

Swallow The Medicine

Although Not Guilty

Endure The Consequences

Christ Endured

But For The Guilty

Never Seeing Us

Without His Remedy

Graciously Forgiving

Covering Our Sin

The Place – The Cross

Mistakenly Him

The World Crucified

God In The Flesh

The Greatest Mistake

Known To Us Yet

But Also The Cure

The Glorious Gift

Bad Into Good

He Saves and Acquits

The Message Heard

The Lost Found

Crossing To Life

The Best Crown

The Reward Given

For Those Faithful

But Salvation Free

To Believers Grateful

A Godly Gift

Independent Of Stress

Freely By Believing

Good News Happiness

Do Not Mistake

The Gifts For The Rewards

You Will Be Confused

And Never Be Sure

Salvation A Gift

Receive It Not

Our Inheritance Builds

Or The Rewards Rot

Rewards – Bema Seat

Given For Service

Faith – Only Qualifier

To Enter Heaven’s Door

rKw Jr 05.07.21

Robert Kelly Poetry

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