The Greatest Returns

The Greatest Returns


The Mind Feeds


The Mind Sees

Curious Clue

It Investigates

The Eyes Have It

Quickly Gesticulates

Deciding Good

Weighing Bad

The Heart Drives

The Mind Sad

Good, Evil 

We Are Fallen

Evil Oozes

Our Pores Calling

A New Way

A Special Deliverance

Who Can Save ?

Our Body Ridiculous

We Do What We Do

As Paul Says

Not What We Ought

Falleness Preys

We Need Him

No Where To Turn

Save Us From

This Body May Burn




We Are Wisked

Out Of Lives

We Are Ejected

Away From All

At Times Rejected

Alone Is The Desert

We See Who We Are

We Understand Life

Yet Stay Afar

Walking With Him

Leading And Guiding

Abraham, Sarah

Moses, Noah, Crying

God Just Beginning

A True Commencement

The Mind Woke

To God’s Investing

He Purchased

At A Price

Heaven Here

His Greatest Dice

No Chance In Hell

God Always Rules

Redeeming Our Lives

Mind, Body And Souls

rKw Jr 10.01.21

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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