The Greater Good

The Greater Good

The Bugs In Life

Come And Go

Swarm In Summer

When Air Blows

Flying High

All Sailing Smooth

The Wind Turns

The Gates Close

All Things Happen

For The Good

Even Bad


If In Christ

The Rest Is Details

The Rest Is Him

The Day A Foretale

A Shadow To Come

The Shelter Armed

Protecting From

The Demonic Alarms

The Greater Good

His Purpose Stands

His Will Is Done

The Word Commands

Not Returning Void

Accomplishing His Work

Salvation To

The Lost Lonely Herd

Sheep We Are

Deaf And Dumb

Blind To Life

Yet Proudly Succumb

We Cannot Resist

Temptation So Great

Instead Of Trusting

God And Just Wait

His Good Overcomes

What They Meant For Evil

Stabbing Their Thumbs

Ready For Upheaval

Thinking They Win

They Sink Even Lower

Taking Each Other

For A Swim By The Hour

Gleefully Proud

The Lot Is Cast

Committed To The Cause

Hell Beckons Fast

Woke To A World

Spiritually Born

Is Only Way Out

From The Depths Unlearned

rKw Jr 16.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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