The Gospel Tumble

The Gospel Tumble

The Message Squashed

So Wrongfully Sung

Start With Freedom

End Up Mugged

The Cost So Great

And Divinely Furnished

Twisted And Confabbed

Into A New Wardrobe

White Robes And Gowns

Eternally Sealed

Guaranteed Salvation

But Do Not Squeal

The Present Condition

All Denominations Sell

We Are Not Saved

On Road To Hell

Salvation Is Free

A Message Believed

Justification By Faith

But Double Talk Steals

Repentance An Issue

Wrongfully Transferred

The Meaning Contorted

All End Up Disturbed

Minirth Meyer

In His Great Work

Disclosed All Psychosis

Start With Repentance Quirks

It Only Means

Rethink Your God

See He Is Real

The Wonderful Lord

rKw Jr 25.04.22

Robert Kelly

Born 1965

A Christian Poet

born again 8-6-1993

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