The God of Oz

The God of Oz

Give Me A Minute

The Unit of Time

Longer Than Seconds

We May Just Find

Take Off The Defense

Uncover With Me

Truth Revealed

Allowed To Us For Free

We Are Led

Down A Yellow Brick Road

All Fed

Lies That Bestow

Telling Us Man

A Center Of All

Denying God

Don’t Even Know

Ozzy The Source

The Wisdom Giver

We Neglect 

To Find Deeper

Exposed Naked

We Should All Cry

The Emperor Clothes

Found Then Hide

The Streets Of Gold

Are Truly Found

Yet The Bible

Found Not Sound

The Road Turns

Faith The Wheel

But No Navigation

No Bible Deal

Slandered Upon

First Acquaintance

Neglected Dust

Ever Accumulates

History Recorded

Salvation Secured

Freely Given

To Rich Or Poor

Yet We Hide

At Satan’s Bidding

The god of The Age

Thinks He Is Winning

Find And Discover

What Reading Has Taught

Instead Of Ingesting

Find The Bible Resort

Peace Joy Love

Grace And Mercy

God Of All Dying

For Our Rising

rKw Jr 28.02.22

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