The Glory In You

The Glory In You

The Body Given

A Design Of Glory

Fallen However

It Still Speaks A Story

A Message To Us

To Show Us Now

That God Is He

The I Am Of Wow

Eternal Being

The Creator

The Savior

Nothing Better

The Blinded Eyes

Due To The Curse

We Can See

But Miss His Verse

These Words Are Life

They Go Forth 

Into The World

To Waken the Earth


It Really Is True

Born Again 

The Spirit Due

Divine Creation

Fallen And Lost

Redeemed Today

Spiritual Burst

The Word Of Life

Does Not Return Void

Cratering Our Lives

Saving The Devoid

Believe Today

Take A Chance

Remember Everything

God Still Askance

Looking Toward

Seeing It All

Saving Us Forever

To Heaven’s Call

rKw Jr 25.01.22

Robert William Kelly American Poet b 1965 – born again 1993

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