The Gift of Troubleshooting

The Gift of Troubleshooting
Photo by Skyler Ewing

We Are The Gambit

We Have The Risk 

Never Asked But Here

Can We Just Split?

Born And Dropped

After We Notice

This Place Is Great

But Needs A Hostess

Problems Emerge

The Day Comes Quick

The Sun Sets

When Can We Quit?

Ladened By Details

The Bed That We Chose

We Sleep Not Enough

Wiggle Our Toes

Enjoy The Little Things

We Take A Consolation

The Big Dreams Lost

Only A Sensation

We End Up Troubled

The Journey Hits Junctures

Life Decisions Come

Sometimes With An Injunction

We Need An Intervention

At Last We May Admit

It Takes Much Pride

To Swallow Then Spit

Maybe I’m In Trouble

Maybe I Need Help

Was that Jesus

To Whom I Can Yelp?

A Troublemaker 

He Caused A Stir

But Eternal Life

For Us He Endured

So Consider Yourself

A Troubleshooter

In Life, Home, Work

You Are The Computer

Assess The Situation

Weigh The Data

Determine Truth

Upon On Jacob’s Ladder

We Can Take The Express

It’s Instantaneous

In A Flash A Twinkle

The Caught Up Radius

Our Folly Endured

A Lifetime of Pain

Yet So Much Learned

Forgive Our Shame

Grace The Answer

Covered All Over

Sin Forgiven

Never Remembered

It’s What Is Needed

The Calm of The Wild

Forgiven At Last

This Lost Problem Child

Trouble Shot Down

Although We Were Hurt

TroubleShooter Found

Jesus Did The Work

Troubleshooting The Life

Our Greatest Deed

Escaping The Lies

Finding His Keys

It Is By Faith

He Makes It Easy

No Precondition

Just Rethink Jesus

rKw Jr 26.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly
b 1965

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