The Freest Spirit

The Freest Spirit
Copyright: pictrider

The Universal Consumption

Waves To Hear

Words To All

Hiding Despair

Hope Is Here

Work Til Death

Do A Good Thing

Leave All Breath

The Chamber Echoes

All Lips Do Spout

The Minds Convene

Conversing Throughout

Escaping The Torture

The Mind Submits

Capitulating Assent

To The Ultimate Wit

All Education

Must Deny God

For To Admit Creation

Would Expose Fraud

Instead of Studying

Learning All Data

Present Only An Entree

Pretend It’s The Greater

Lies Are Evolved

They Come To Light

When All Darkness Exposed

The Dark Becomes Fright

Hell The Result

For Not Rethinking Him

Not Seeing The Creator

Not Knowing Redemption

Mischaracterizing God

The Best Plan

Devising Salvation

 An Impossible Scam

Free Is The Gift

God Makes Alive

Born Again Anew

The Spirit’s True Dew

rKw Jr 18.12.22

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