The Free Liberal

The Free Liberal

Freedom The Pursuit

Happiness Found

All Must Chase

The World Is Bound

The Ultimate Champion

The One Who Conquers

His Life And Demons

Exercises His Options

Liberal Arts

The Mind Expands

Searching For Truth

Freedom Must Land

To Protect And Fight

To Find And Glow

To Reach At Last

What Is To Be Known

The State Of Grace

The Class And Style

The Debonair Face

The Cheshire Smile

The Life Mountain

The Glory Assumed

The Fall Imminent

The Impending Doom

For Man Is A Prisoner

But Freedom Is Victory

“It Is For Freedom 

He Set Us Free”

Everyone Is A Fool

They Fall Down The Path

Thinking Liberalism Achieves

Freedom – Oh Sociopath!

We Still Have Death

At Door Always Present

Hanging Around Knocking

Liberal Freedom Bent

Broken And Weighed

Found Wanting And Played

Wasting The Minds

With A Chore Swayed

Fooled By Satan

All Under The Sway

Thinking We Are Learning

But Denying The Claim

We Are Fallen

We Are Lost

Only The Spirit

Can Birth A Toss

Salvation Ropped 

The Message Caught

Freedom Gained

At The Greatest Cost

rKw Jr 016.11.22

Robert Kelly

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1 Comment

  1. Andrew Dooner

    Love This Poem Brow!

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