The Evolutionary Race Bait

man wearing white sweater and black shorts about to run
Photo by nappy

Grateful Always

Pray Always

Love Always

The Spirit Always

All Ways

The Spirit Leads

Lead Us, Guide Us

Through The Deeds

We Win, We Lose

We Suffer Long

Our Whole Lives

A Patient Song

God Is Present

He Is Not Blind

He Sees You There

His Love So Kind

We Thank Him

Never To Forget

His Love For Us

It Surrounds Us Yet

Our Bodies

In His Image

Although Fallen

Designed Brilliant

Cell Level Structure

Beyond Sophistication

Anatomy Wise

The Grand Demonstration

We Have A Designer

We Have A God

He Has Revealed 

Himself To Everyone

In His Creation

How To Deny

A Creator Exists

Inspect The Eye

Darwin Admitted

The Eye Alone

Could Destroy His Theory

Evolution Prone

The Original Title

Origin Of Species

Undeniably Racist

Yet Teachers Do Squeeky

They Won’t Admit

Darwin Was A Racist

Yet Teach It As Fact

Despite His Own Reservations

He Said The Fossil Record 

Would Bear Him Out

Transitional Life Forms

Would Be Found Here Out

In Years Ahead

The Golden Age Came

Left The Fossil Record Dead

No Proof – What Shame !?!

Yet We Teach It As Fact

With No Proof

Although It Is Racist

Supporting Eugenic Groups

Hitler And Mao

Reached Back In Time

Believed Evolution

Gave Them The Right Mind

Many Lies Evolved

The Piltdown Man One

For 40 Plus Years

Missing Link Stunned

Yet Exposed In 1953

Damage Was Done

Two World Wars

Had Gone And Come

Hundreds Of Doctorates

Were Written And Based

All On A Lie

The Piltdown Man Disgrace

Yet It Shapes Culture 

Even Today

For The Scopes Trial

Spellbound To This Day

Mocking God

Deriding The Bible

But Its Only Ace

Piltdown How Liable ?

Even Today

Inherit The Wind

The Movie Spun

Hot Air Spinned

So Influential

The Movie Portrays

Everyone Takes The Same Role

When The Subject Plays

Yet Ignoring Science

Ignoring The Exposure

Of What Was Once Known

A Lie Has Taken Over

We Teach Each Other The Lie

We Do It Without Thinking

It Fits Our Nature

To Think God Is Sleeping

Yet God Sees 

God Knows

So Surrender Today

Give Up Your Grave Clothes

rKw Jr 14.07.21

Robert Kelly

b 1965 –

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