The End Of Fake News

The End Of Fake News

The Ultimate Fake Out

We Are So Prepared

The Truth Vanished

Changed In Thin Air

The Bible Tossed

Totally Dismissed

Substituted With Content

Hypnotical Twist

The Suppression Crafty

Tell You And Report

The Feigned Caring

All To Distort

Keeping Us Chained

To The Elements And Action

Changing The Game

A Satanic Distraction

The Fake News Real

Both Sides Accuse

The Truth Obfuscated

Humanity Confused

Fake Still Fake

Content Still King

Anything Creates

Ratings Swing

Media Controlling All

By Elite Entities

Mashing All Masses

Minds Dizzying

Taught And Trained

To Be So Pacified

Just All Pussyfooting 

The Milquetoast Cry

Divided And Conquered

In Their Own Quarters

The Powers Ride

The New World Order

The Ultimate Conclusion

Is The Fake Messiah

Sold As Real

Jesus Is No Liar

Deceiving The World

A Powerful Delusion

Believing In Stride

Zombie Contusions

Never Learning Truth

Being Fed The Sugar

The Cancer Grows

The Wobbly Worker

Trusting What Told

Never Exploring

God Alone

Ignored As Deploring

He Is Real

Is Real

Chosing The Smallest

To Reveal

Himself To The World

A Suffering Messiah

Who Will Destroy All

Who Love The Liar

Slaves To Consideration

Slaves To Thought

Unable To Open

A Bible With Props

Salvation Declared

It’s Been Announced

All Of News Blared

Yet Still Unpronounced

It Is Still Free

Anyone Who Believes

God The Victory

His Body Sacrificing

rKw Jr 011.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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