The Emerging Lee Harvey Oswald

The Emerging Lee Harvey Oswald


We Subvert


We Desert

Lee Harvey Oswald

His Name Still Cursed

Yet More And More

The Day Is Reversed

Lee A Hero

Could It Be?

Did He Save

President Kennedy?

In Miami – Chicago

Lee Sent Word

Aborted Trips

Kennedy Preserved

Painfully We Trust

The Reporting of ’63

Details Tabled

Lee’s Testimony

Blamed For Tippit

Yet Witnesses Silenced

A Closer Look

Lee’s Innocence Widens

RFK Summoned

Lee From Russia

A High Level Clearance

Lee Now The Hunter

The Spy

The Double Agent

Investigating Marcello

Ruby’s Forbearance

Reporting To The AG

Robert Needed Lee

No One Like Him

A Special Man Of Ability

The CIA Enlisted

The FBI Assented

Lee Tightroped Along

Whatever The Endeavor

Scarlet Pimpernel

CIA Handler

Dreams Fulfilled

3 Lives Led Together

Serving The Purpose

The Sublime Duty

Lee Harvey Oswald

Deserves Our Study

Judy Documents

The Testimony Unassailable

Her Empirical Evidence

Brings Lee Beyond Fables

Others Corroborate

Oliver Now Agrees

Judy’s Testimony

True To The Highest Degree

Sixty Minutes Stories

Each Time Dropped

The Story Of Our Life Time

Shelved And Stopped

An American Hero

A Joyful Friend

A Tremendous Intellectual

A Divine Send

In Dallas, Texas

Lee Heard

The Trip Aborted

So He Relayed Word

The CIA Knew

There Was A Mole

Lee Pawned, Patsied

Punked His New Role

Sacrifice To White Wash

Evil Of It’s Deeds

Silenced Forever

The Nation Feeds

Yet Nations Are Thwarted

The Best Laid Plans

Of Mice And Men

Go Awry By United Stands

United We Must

All Make A Voice

Loud To Be Heard

Daily Until Reversed

rKw Jr 021.06.23

Robert Kelly Born 1965 A Christian Poet born again 8-6-1993

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