Saturday’s Poem: The Easter Rabbit “Whole”

landscape photography of clouds
Photo by Josh Sorenson on

We Run Away Like Rabbits

The Life – Routine – We Live 

Afraid To Know More Data 

About Salvation Or Of Him 

We Settle For Parameters

That Help Us Play Church

The Rules and Regulations

Cause Us To Besmirch

We Don’t Want to Hear Much

About Drawing Close to God

We Are Living in Fear Thus

He Might Hit Us Hard

We Keep Him At Arms Length

Live A Life At A Distance

Thinking Our Good Deeds Spent

Will Render Us Acquitted

Yet God Says “Come Unto To Me”

TodayQuite A Departure

For A Personal Acquaintance

Is The Ultimate Connected Power

He Declares Us A Saint

Even Though We Are Sinners

We Are Declared Righteous

The Moment of Belief – No Sooner

The Bible is Good News

But We Let Others Interpret

Find Out for Yourself

Why Reading It Is Important

A Spiritual Birth is Vital

Upon Belief – The Only Must

The Other Demands Christ Gained

A Perfect Life For Us

These Words Are Life”

His Righteousness Extends Here

Laid To Our Account In Heaven

We Are Justified By Faith Share

Time With God Uncompared

We Can Stand Before GodNo Less

The Great Exchange Took Place

All Our Sin For His Righteousness

We Can Have Confidence

He Is The Only Advocate

He Speaks to God Today

The Lamb of God – No Rabbit

For Satan Accuses Us Daily

Before God All The Time

God Knows We Aren’t Perfect

He Bridged the Dividing Line

God Endured So Much For Us

All In The While – The Flesh

Bloody – Forgotten – Scourged

Raised! – A Prophesied Wish

So Grateful We Remain

For God Is The Best of Days

He Gives Us Eternity for Free

But It Cost Him – So Pray

Pray for Your Sanctification

Grow in Grace with God

Always Be in Wonder

Of How God Did It All

We Can Enjoy Fellowship

With God Now Reconciled

Best Recommendation – The Bible

A Good Book For You – Filed !

This Message Has Been Hidden

But Revealed In Time To You

The Whole World Is Under the Sway

Of Satan Whose Time is Through

For Easter Really Decided

That Satan Had Finally Lost

The Resurrection Did The Trick

And Hell Is What It Cost

Today Is The Day of Salvation

We Can Cross Over From Death to Life

Behold the Easter Message !

Our Future is So Bright !

Eternal Plan Before The Earth

Yet He Offers it For Free

Eternally Secure – Our Redemption

Good News For All To See

The Whole News Now Reported

Suppressed, Oppressed So Long

It Relieves Our Minds Thankfully

A Whole And Complete New Song

For “Hallelujah” Has New Meaning

Praise The Lord” A Good Shout

The “Almighty” – “Amen” to “The Amen

For Bringing Us To Heaven – No Doubt !

rKw Jr 03.04.21

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