Sunday’s Poem: The Easter Hook

brown wooden post on green grass field
Photo by Quinn Petersen on

On The Hook

Not Really Our Fault

Adam Fell –

We Inherit His Salt

The Son Rose To Glory

The Death Sting – Bust

The Work of God – Final

His Love Endures – Trust

Off The Hook 

God Paid The Ransom

Full Pardon Assured

His Grace Is Awesome

We Suffered So Long

And Still Sin Now

Mercy New In Morning 

The Resurrection Endows

Off The Hook  

Are We Too Busy ?

The Phone Rings Again

Texting, Notifications – A Tizzy

Off The Hook

Rabbits and Eggs In Sight

God Resurrected Today

He Came To Make Us Right

Today We Can Celebrate

Party Off The Hook

Greater Than Any Event

Just Read It in The Book

The Hook Of God

Off The Hook We Go

The Life of Ours is Eternal

A True Good Show

He Changes Us Slow

Yet Sometimes Fast

The Light Dawns

Over Our Sordid Past

The Hook of God

Opens Eyes Apart

It Does A Work 

In A Man’s Heart

He Starts To Love

Where Hate Resided

He Brings A New Song

And Other Tidings

The Hook Of God

Settles Your Life

Gives You Abundance

Where Only Was Strife

The Hook of God 

Redeems, Begets – Leads

It Gives Us A Solid Future

We Get All We Need

Off The Hook

We Are Vindicated

We Are Saved

Resurrected – Reinstated

The Hook of God

Gets Us Off The Hook

See The Truth Now

Then Party Off the Hook

rKw Jr 04.04.21

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