The Door To The Open Mind

The Door To The Open Mind
Photo by Khoa Võ

Loving Yourself

Is Not A Command

Not In The Bible

But In Our Plan

Bible Declares

We Do Already

So Loving Yourself

Given Territory

Living For Self

Sounds So Grand

Emptiness Swings

Just Doesn’t Span

Finding More

For Thyself

Ironically Finding God

Is The Ultimate Help

Goodies We Store

Careers We Build

All Roads Leading

To Dead End Still

We Are Created

Special Above All

But Fallen So

Missing His Call

We Work The Program

We Feed Our Kids

Allendale Suggested

It’s All A Big Rip

A Shuttled Cattle

Force Fed Trained

Our Minds Stolen

For Else’s Gain

Slave To A World

It Values Diversion

Anything At All

To Keep You Immersive

Never Allowed

To Open Bible

Than To Be Called 

A Nameless Rival

Brainwashed So Heavily

Told We Are Free

Yet Minds Cannot

Speak, Think Or Be

The Mind Trapped

Nowhere To Run

It Only Knows Only

What Taught And Spun

Tales Of Lies

Taught As Truth

Deny Jesus Christ

Fooling You

Love God With Your Mind

The Ultimate Endeavor

Yourself Realigned

Door Opened To Heaven

He Is The Door

We Do Enter In

Crossing Over To Life

The Moment Faith Wins

rKw Jr 30.06.21

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