The Divergence

The Divergence

Be Real

To Thyself

The World

The Shelf

Ride the Music

Hear The Tunes

Assess The Magic

Sway Through June

Summer Here

Should We Rise

Sleep Through Life

Today Is Fine

We Are Accomodating

Too Much Today

Not All Is Profitable

But Much Is Played

The Lackluster Moments

Drive Us To Find

Life Anywhere

Give Us A Ride

We Get Seduced

We Fall Victim

Something Entertaining

Hypnotized Rhythm

Music – Used

In Commercials Alone

Can Drive You To

Trust And Drone

We Allow Our Lives

To Be Infiltrated

By Life’s Charades

So Naturally Waiting

Yet Do We Observe

The Reset Each Pause

Its You And Your Thoughts

Alone With God

Remember Your Creator

Become Reconciled

Live Forever Soaring

Above For All Time

A Moment Of Faith

Lasts Eternally

Sealed With Love

The Best Quality

For God Is Love

He Extended Into Time

Became A Body

To Redeem Mankind

rKw Jr 09.12.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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