The Devil’s Pussyfooting

The Devil’s Pussyfooting
Photo by Pixabay

We Were Robbed

Stolen Idea

Yet At Present

Not Let To Hear

The Gospel 

Glorious And Free

Spoken By God

Heaven to Thee

Yes Suppressed

We Miss Holy Kiss

Oppressed And Hid

We Wouldn’t Resist

Fooled Each Day

The Trance Grows

Reinforced Along

As Time Goes

The Whole World

Is Under The Sway

Steal, Killed, Destroyed

Swept Away

We Pussyfoot Around

Find A Way To Waste

Never Seeing Who

Good Is He To Taste

Milquetoasted Wills

Crushed Hope

Settle For Mentality

Vision A Joke

Church No Help

Message Obfuscated

Blurred By Works

Or Maintained Ratings

Don’t Get Fooled Again

Remember We Can Learn

Don’t Settle For Nothing

But God In Return

Education Is Not

Teaching Godless Life

Satan Beguiles

And Laughs In Delight

Do Not Get Robbed

Protect Your Investment

Your Soul Is Greater

Than Whole World Tested

rKw Jr 12.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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