The Defense Rests In Peace

serious businesswoman hurrying with documents from courthouse
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on

Infinity A Unsearchable Digit

We Would Love To Know

Its Outside of Human Comprehension

But Is There For Show

We Have A Similar Universe

And God Who Is Beyond

Unsearchable Are His Riches

For Us In Christ Found

Unsearchable Are His Judgements

Unfallable Are His Ways

We Have A God Describe

As Infinity in If You May

How Could God Be God ?

A Question Should Be Asked

Normal Inquisitivity

Loving God With Our Mind At Last

For We Have the Mind Of Christ

The Holy Spirit Revealed

No Eye Has Seen – No Ear Heard

But The Bible Tells Us The Deal

The Spirit Wrote The Bible

In Words Carried Along by Men

God The Word Disclosed

To Us By He – The Sovereign

Attested As True By Many

Objective Evidence Abounds

Simon Greenleaf Forwarded

A Testimony Profound

He Wrote As A Lawyer

The Testimony of the Evangelists

Stating God Could Be Verified

Yet We Don’t Think He is Legit

Harvard’s Royal Law Professor

Founded Harvard Law School

Declaring the Resurrection

Is Provable in Any US Court

brown and black wooden chairs inside room
Photo by Pixabay on

The Eyewitness Testimony Showed

That God Rose From the Dead

We Can Know For Sure

We Have Peace Waiting Instead

For Resting In Life Is Key

To We Ever Really Unwind

Do We Really Relax

Take Things Off Our Minds

For There is Always Something

To Think About Upcoming

Do I Have Enough Money 

To Keep Things Running

Peace Is God’s Nickname

He Is The King of Peace

So When We Rest In Him

What’s In A Name ? Repeat

For The World Will Say Peace

At The End Of All Humanity

The Final Straw

Of The Devil’s Insanity

But Destruction Will Follow

God Will Avenge

So Only Peace Available

Found In The Good Friend

rKw Jr 25.04.21

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