The Deep Sleep

The Deep Sleep

Sleep Reminder

The Bedpost List

Remember Everything

All To Do Jist

The Time Comes

Each Day It’s Own

Trouble Now

Later Shown

The Risk At Night

The Danger Looms

Life’s Sunset

Sleeptime Doom

Postcards Bulletins

Alerts And Thoughts

All Are Forgotten

We Need To Walk

Do Our Thing

Live To Struggle

Paying Scheming

Scamming Double

Admiting Fault

Seeing Our Shame

Keeps God Far

If We Don’t Blame

Yes We Are Fallen

Sinners In Jeopardy

Awake The Senses

See The Calamity

The Bare Facts

Truth’s Children

Death Beckons

Sleep The Cauldron

Before We Boil

We Are Reminded

In Sleep So Deep

We Are Rewinded

A Cousin Of Death

A Friend of Life

For When We Admit

God Is Our Light

rKw Jr 22.02.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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